Monday, September 26, 2011

(Sara) Oh, The Possibilities

Last week, my husband and I each applied for our very first passport. That might not be a big deal to many people, but he and I were so excited. Neither one of us grew up in families where travel was a regular thing. Unless you count road trips to Nebraska. (Which I don't. )

I've been to Mexico, Canada and Jamaica - but at the time of my travel, a passport was not required. Now, though, one needs a passport to go pretty much anywhere outside the borders of our country. And I couldn't be more grateful. Because this trip to Guatemala is the impetus for me to do something I've always wanted to...obtain a passport. I don't know if I'll become a serious traveler, but with a passport in hand the the possibility is at least there.

One of the biggest reasons I want to go on this trip to Guatemala is to get a new perspective on what is real, what is necessary in life. I know there's no better way to open up one's mind than to travel. I'm equal parts excited and worried that this trip to Guatemala will change my life. Change it in a way that I won't be able to slip back into the life I lead right now. Oh, the possibilities...

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